Nahaufnahme von joggenden Beinen auf der Straße, trainiert mit der Trait Marathon Trainings-App

Our mission: Making sports more human again.

Gruppe von Läufern, die sich nach einem erfolgreichen Training in der Stadt umarmen, begleitet von der Trait-App

Trait was born out of a desire to help people with a shared passion—running—and the belief that everyone can lead an active life if approached the right way. In an industry that has been stuck in its approach for decades, we saw the opportunity and the need to drive change from within. We believe the offerings in the 'fitness' market are not diverse enough, and something is missing. Something that helps people develop an intrinsically motivated routine. Out of joy, not pressure.

Jogger sitzt auf dem Boden und bindet seine Schnürsenkel vor dem Training, bereit für einen Lauf mit der Trait-App

Find greatness.

JOY Schriftzug

Our generation needs a new way of looking at Being fit.

Zwei Läufer lehnen lächelnd an einer mit Graffiti bedeckten Wand und machen eine Pause während des Trainings mit der Trait-App

Living a sporty, active life has become a moral obligation. Everything is tracked, optimized, and checked off. The fitness industry pushes us to become 'the best version of ourselves,' which implies that our current self is not enough. Social media bombards us with fitness tips, successful routines, and images of seemingly perfect lives. All in all, it's a pretty toxic environment.

Läufergruppe steht auf dem Gehweg, bereitet sich auf das Joggen mit der Trait Marathon Trainings-App vor

Our lives are complex and fast-paced enough. 
Our lives are complex and fast-paced enough. Therefore, our approach is different from most sports apps. We want to help you meet yourself with empathy and motivate you to run because you enjoy it, not because you have to according to a training plan.

Trait is training tailored to all your individual needs, traits, strengths, and weaknesses. 
For anyone who wants to train differently.

We call that

Train uncommon

Sports should once again be more than just another item on our to-do list.

View: Crew you!

Our next update will make it even easier for you to connect with your running crew or start a new one. Subscribe to our newsletter to stay up to date.

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Nahaufnahme von joggenden Beinen auf der Straße, trainiert mit der Trait Marathon Trainings-App
Logo / Wappen für den Laufclub London Run ClubLogo / Wappen für den Laufclub Frankfurt Run ClubLogo / Wappen für den Laufclub Short Slow Sundays Run ClubLogo / Wappen für den Laufclub Run Club AmsterdamLogo / Wappen für den Laufclub Sun Down Runners Club
Logo / Wappen für den Laufclub Munich Running Club
Logo / Wappen für den Laufclub Berlin Run Club

Trait. That's how it started.