5. Do it for you:
Always remember why you’re going out to run. Not for the next marathon, not for a training plan, or anything else (even if that’s on the horizon, ahem) — you’re doing this for yourself. And that’s how you should approach it. A training plan provides good structure, but in the end, you’ve always got to check in with yourself. Does this feel right for me today? If yes, fall runs are incredible mental health boosters. But if you’re forcing yourself out multiple times a week, you’re probably not going to stick with it or truly enjoy it.
6. Timing is everything!
Easier said than done, we know. But if there’s any way to work it out, take advantage of the daylight—go out when the sun is shining. Trust us: it’s balm for the soul (see the previous point)!
7. Bring a buddy:
Last but not least, go running together. Whether with a friend, a group, or during a social run. Shared “suffering” is always easier, and shared joy is double the joy! Running with someone once a week can be an easy calendar event to look forward to!